Wednesday 30 October 2019

True Love Can Hurt

Nandita Chakraborty was very young when her parents passed away. She had four siblings. It's not quite uncommon in villages. Poor families in villages believe that more number of young members in the future assure a better income. This is a true example of lack of farsightedness as they overlook the present for the future. Thus Nandita and her siblings had to pay a high price for being born in the village of Midnapore, to the most illetrate family of the village.
Things became better when the siblings got seperated. Well it was heartbreaking but Nandita was only seven years old, so she had almost her entire life to adjust to her situation. She was adopted by her paternal-uncle. That family was a highly educated one and her paternal uncle was a renowned soldier in the Indian Army with the rank of a captain. He was a well decorated soldier. He had three boys named Ashok, Amit and Bharat(names mentioned in order of their ages). All of them were brilliant students. He had a daughter named Anjali who was destined to become Nandita's best friend. She wasn't amont the extremely steller students and it wasn't entirely her fault. She was a victim of retinitis pigmentosa and was partially blind since the age of six. However, she was hardworking and that was a quality that made her stand apart from her siblings. Her mother did not have much liking towards her but she was her father's angel.
Nandita's brothers still had contact with her but she had adjusted herself to this new family. She had to do many household tasks despite her young age. This did not offend her for she was a very sweet girl and could melt hearts with her lovely smile. She wasn't interested in studies and thus she did not study much. She was happy with her maid life. She soon became everyone's favourite, especially Anjalis'. Life was really good for them. Three of the brother grew up into the most successful people, with one becoming a BDO, other an engineer in Germany and the youngest one(Bhaskar) became a successful businessman. They all split up and settled in different locations aroung the globe.
However things weren't going well for Anjana. Her illness was increasing rapidly. She could not complete her post graguate studies. That was just the beginning.
Her parents passed away due to oldage and illness. Anjali's brothers did not make any contact with her once the funeral was over. She was left with her father's house and a meagre pension her father had arranged for her well-being in case he could not be with her in future.
Anjali had her sister and best friend with her. Her sister Nandita was more than enough to support her. Things weren't easy for them but even amidst all that struggle they could still manage to find some happiness. As for Anjana, her eyes had been shut, yet she could experience the glare of sunlight through Nandita's eyes.
Nandita's life was also about to change. One day she met a man called Abhirup. Abhirup was the owner of an electrical company. They met when he came to her house regarding electrical repairing work, with his team. His big, glowing eyes and well built nose along with his olive-tanned skin made him appear as a perfect example of the phrase Tall Dark And Handsome. Thus it was no wonder that Nandita got attracted to him in no time.
Nandita on the other hand had grown up into a short yet slender lady with a milky white skin and a face so beautiful that she could be compared to the Shakespear's famous heroine Portia.
They felt a strong infatuation towards one another. They started meeting one another. Nandita learned a lot about Abhirup. Abhirup Roy had also lost his mother. He had a strangled relationship with his father especially after he remarried. His step-mother had no feelings for him and was a very bad woman. Abhirup had a sister but she was very distant towards him. She was close to her father and surprisingly to her step-mother as well. This worked in her favour as her step-mother asked her to keep her older daughter with them. So Abhirup's neice started to stay with him. He greatly loved her but all she used to do was take advantage of her. Abhirup's fate was terrible. Upon his mother's death he decided to leave his pretigeous job in Assam and went back to Kolkata to attend her funeral. What broke his heart was the descision of his father to hurry the funeral and thus Abhirup could not get a chance to see his mother one last time. He could never forgive his father for that.
Their rugged pasts and sufferings made them soulmates and they decided to tie the knot. When Abhirup's father rejected Nandita as she could not pay the required dowry he and Nandita married in a temple.
Anjali did her best to support them. She arranged for everything, even the marriage reception party was sponsered by him. Abhirup's father had to accept her reluctantly.
Things became harder for Nandita. She had to take care of her sister Anjali and manage her own household as well. She perfectly balanced both the tasks. Her father-in-law's cruel heart started to melt slowly. He lad developed a liking towards her, however his new wife kept poisoning his mind. She was a brilliant manipulator.
Thus began a life of constant struggle for Nandita. She had to face a lot of torture and humiliation. Well she accepted everything without any complain. Her husband was yet to firmly establish his electrical company and thus he could not stay in home for long. She had no intentions of bothering him with such things as he was working hard to establish himself. She loved him dearly and was ready to undertake any amount of suffering for his sake.
However one day he learned about everything and a chaos started. Abhirup decided to shift to Anjali's house with his wife for her safety.
After a year Nandita was pregnant and a lovely son was born to them. They named their son Rahul. Rahul grew into a stellar child blessed with cuteness,manners and intellect. Rahul soon started receiving multiple awards for his achievements and became the talk of his colony.
His grandfather's attitude towards Rahul was very different. He loved Rahul for he was a boy to be loved. They developed a good relationship. Abhirup used to say that he did not want that to happen but Nandita knew very well that his words and thoughts were quite contradictory.
Then one day another tragedy happened. Anjali passed away and Nandita was heartbroken. Abhirup did his best to confront her.
Well bad things are to happen, they happen all at once. Abhirup's business was going well but his health wasn't. Soon it was found out that he was suffering from an acute nervous disorder.
With Nandita's help he started to recover slowly. His operation was arranged and Nandita had to sell her ornaments to fund the operation. After all the sacrifices and endurance she managed to bring back Abhirup from the dead.
Abhirup's condition had made his father realise how important he was to him. He also realised that Nandita was the best woman for Abhirup. They reconciled and for the first time a moment of genuine happiness appeared.
Well it was a dream come true. Well maybe Nandita did not have the fortune to live that dream. One day she collapsed on the floor due to stomach pain. She was taken to the hospital immediately. It was revealed that she was suffering from a form of cancer which was leading to multiple organ failure. Abhirup, his father and Rahul were all heartbroken.
An operation was scheduled. Everyone was hoping for the best. They felt that since Nandiata had always helped others God will never let anything bad happen to her. They did not know that the most beautiful souls are not meant to stay long on earth. That was the same case for Nandita.
After bringing happiness to everyone she left them all in the lurch. Anhirup loved her dearly. He could not bear the loss but had to live for his son. Her absence hurts him everyday, but his son is a reminder of her. Abhirup still witnesses Nandita in his son.
Maybe True Love Does Hurt but its always irreplacable.